Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcoming Jesse

Can I say one thing... I love meeting new families with new little people!!  I feel so Blessed to be invited into their homes to capture the beginning moments of family life as it unfolds.  I love meeting the big brothers and big sisters and interacting with them and when I leave I feel I've made new friends.

I met the Hopkins family this past Saturday.  The newest little addition to their already sweet little gang is a cutie named Jesse.  Jesse turned two weeks old on Friday and according to Mommy, was going through a growing spurt!  Just to let you know, he totally was!! 

With everything shut down for the day, I settled in, unpacked my camera and began capturing some memories for Aileen and her expanded family. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something a little flaky

Snow for some of us, is a pain!  We have to contend with it on a near daily basis once January sets in.  As pretty as that first snow fall is, it soon becomes a dreaded site.  However, it is amazing how each one of these tiny little flakes come together to form these mounds of snow.  I just love the intricate patterns and symmetry found in each individual snowflake.

Today as little tufts of snow clusters fell outside, I decided to snap on the old 2.8 100mm and try my luck at capturing these beautifully amazing works of nature.

This is one of my fingers in the background.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My gang

It's not often my gang lets me make a photo of them.  In fact, there is usually a little persuading involved, shouting, threats etc. ;) but here are my children in my photos!!  Imagine, who'd have thunk it possible!!  Some photos were the result of enjoying my Christmas toys; my soft box constant lights system and my backlight and some shots I just wanted of my children before they are grown and have kiddies of their own.  Time moves along at a constant and waits for no one.

Life doesn't always allow you the luxury of doing what you love but somehow you have to try and make it work.  Sometimes it takes us a while to figure out what it is we love; that something that takes us away from the stresses of everyday life and gives us the most pleasure.  While my children will always be my number one, it's nice to have something that is mine.  Here are my children, who sadly are growing up on me, the loves of my life!

Here is Carter with his Ninja bear, Kyro, from Bears in the bay on Facebook!  Check them out!  Hand crafted, unique bears by my good friend Marsha and her mom Annie.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Landon is Two

Little Landon is the big T W O!!  I met up with him and his parents at their home and we spent a lovely afternoon capturing some of the fun things Landon likes to do.  From LEGO's to tractors, Thomas the train and our favorite game of the day, hitting Annette on the head with cars!! (protective head gear was worn at all times).  All in the name of photography I say!! :)

He is such a sweet, charming little guy and he amazed me with his intelligence and great manners.  Check out this sweet little fellow below!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Michelle and Chad

Ok, so some people have to be convinced to get pics done.  Especially male people!!!  This was the case with Chad!!  Michelle, however, used her beautiful smile and charm to convince him!!  And we had THE best day of winter to do photos.  It was absolutely gorgeous weather wise.  Sun, very little wind, and plus temperatures...well temperature, +1 is on the positive side right!!  So it was cool but what can we expect here in the frigid North Atlantic!!

Michelle had been after me all fall to have photos done but she had to have the OK from her man to be a part of the fun!  I am so glad he agreed.  It was a blast!!  The criteria for the photos were ducks, boats and canoodling (Slang to kiss and cuddle; pet; fondle) Ok so the last one was minus the petting/fondling.  We were going to be in a public place after all! ;).

I don't think the smile ever left Michelle's face and was contagious!! Chad seemed pretty darn happy too! So here are some photos from our afternoon.  Enjoy!!