Saturday, July 10, 2010

I am posting ...yes I am :)

So, I have not posted anything lately...I know...bad!! However, now that the painting is done (for now) and I am again a little free to shoot, I wanted to share a couple photos I took with my brandinew Canon 7D...Yes, you heard me right!!  I am the proud owner of the cool 7D!  After roaring my terrible roar and gnashing my terrible teeth and rolling my terrible eyes, I beat my husband into submission!!  And he said "go and get it by, you've got me beat down!!"  I took it out of the box and was in love!!  So here are the real loves of my life, my kiddies, my Wild Things.  P.S. I love Maurice Sendak


Anonymous said...

Annette I am so happy for you, I have been eyeballing this particular one for the past couple months, $200 off in the last couple weeks, still waiting for it to go a bit lower, fingers crossed!!! Nice photos :)


Runner Mom said...

I am SOOOOooooo excited for you!!! Wow! Maybe one day...unless I pull a Maurice Sendak on hubby!! What had you been shooting with? YOur pics are gorgeous!!!

Annette Whelan said...

Thanks guys! I was shooting with the Canon xs. Got it just after Christmas Jan 09...The 7D is a great camera so far!! And all my previous lenses fit it. I had looked at the full frame 5D Mark II as well but it was a bit out of my price range!!