Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I got it from my Momma

"A mother is someone to shelter and guide us, To love us, whatever we do, With a warm understanding and infinite patience And wonderful gentleness, too.

How often a mother means swift reassurance in soothing our small, childish fears, How tenderly mothers watch over their children And treasure them all through the years! The heart of a mother is full of forgiveness For any mistake, big or small, And generous always in helping her family, Whose needs she has placed above all.

A mother can utter a word of compassion And make all our cares fall away, She can brighten a home with the sound of her laughter And make life delightful and gay.

A mother possesses incredible wisdom And wonderful insight and skill - In each human heart is that one special corner Which only a mother can fill!"

-Katherine Nelson Davis

This post is dedicated to my mom!  An artistic, funny, strong and wonderful lady who has passed down her creativity, beauty (at the very least to my daughter ;P), love and compassion to her children.  She has been through many trials and terrible losses but she is a strong and gorgeous lady and I want to share some photos I took of my beautiful mom.  In the words of the Black Eyed Peas,
I got it from my momma!!  Enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!WOW!!!WOW!!!These pictures are absolutley beautiful Annette!!You do a wonderful talented and beautiful momma and daughter I might add. You too are beautiful and talented as we can see so don't sell yourself short!!!Awesome!!!

A. Arlene

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Love the words you have posted about mother's and your mother!!! Beautiful photos...you will cherish these for years to come. Youe mother is a gorgeous lady!! Very photogenic!!! Love this post!!! Renee